Conventional Lightning Arrester

A Conventional Lightning Arrester is a conductor mounted on top of a building
and connected to the ground through a wire or earthing strips, to protect
the building at the conventional time of a lightning If lightning strikes the building,
it will strike the Lightning protection rod, and be conducted harmlessly to
ground through the wire, instead of passing through the building, A conventional
spike lightning protection rod is a single component in a lightning protection
system. In such a system, Lightning protection rods are placed at regular
intervals on the highest portions of a structure, a lightning protection system
typically includes a rooftop network of electrical conductors, multiple conductive
paths from the roof to the ground earthing, bonding connections to metallic
objects within the structure and a grounding network. The rooftop lightning rod is
a metal strip or rod, usually made of copper or aluminum and down
path is made by Copper/Aluminium/GI strips or Wires. Lightning protection
systems are installed on structures, monuments, bridges or water vessels to protect from lightning damage. Individual lightning rods are sometimes called finials, air terminals or strike termination devices.


Conventional Lightning Arrester

Lightning dissipater which is accessible as a solitary Rode, 3-spikes and 5-spikes. This metallic lightning arrestor gets mounted on the highest point of the structure and when the lightning strikes, it gets wreck through the down conduits and ground cathodes for the release.

Order Type Bulk/Reatil
Brand SG Power
Lighting Protection Material Copper
Usage Excellent electrical dissipation characteristics
Packaging Type Bubble Wrapping
Location PAN India
Price Please Contact


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